February 7, 2018

Citizenship for MTA’s Own Pedro Obando

Last year only one out of every 10,000 people in the world had what it took to become a naturalized U.S. citizen. Opportunity, study, dedication and a host of other qualities make this one of the most significant achievements in anyone’s life. Maddox Thomson Associates’ own Pedro Obando is now one of those very special people.

Of course, we knew all along that he is a fine man and excellent accountant with unique qualities. In fact, if you put together the odds of his tax knowledge, accounting expertise, personal qualities and becoming a U.S. citizen, then Pedro is easily one-in-a-million!

He knew he wanted to be an American Citizen, worked hard, did everything right and last year he succeeded. Much like the work ethic and accomplishments that have marked Pedro’s tenure at Maddox Thomson, those same high standards and persistence brought us another great citizen to this wonderful Country. Congratulations Pedro!
